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Serious Injuries: Indiana and Illinois

Will You Have Fair Compensation for Your Injuries?

Serious injuries require serious compensation. It costs money for medical bills, but that is just the beginning. A serious injury may cause loss of wages now as well as a loss of future income. A serious injury can cause a disability that affects the injured person now and for a lifetime.

219-923-7000 · 312-236-7700 · Contact a lawyer.

What is your case worth? How much will you need for medical care and other expenses? How will you know if the insurance company is treating you fairly? It is a good idea to take those questions to an experienced personal injury attorney. Call the law firm of Robert Montgomery, Attorney at Law in Lake County, Indiana. Our law firm serves clients in northwestern Indiana and in the Chicago area.

  • Brain injuries: A fall from a platform at work, a car accident, a birth injury or other negligence can cause a life-changing brain injury.
  • Spinal cord injuries: A spinal cord injury can mean a life in a wheelchair with the need for on-going medical treatment and personal care attendants.
  • Wrongful death: Money will not change the fact of a loved one's fatal accident, but compensation can help a family cope with their loss.

Start with an initial no-fee consultation.

If you have questions about serious injuries caused by someone else's negligence, we invite you to contact our law firm for a free consultation. We can help you negotiate with the insurance company and obtain the compensation you deserve. We can also take your case to trial — as we have for more than 200 clients. There will be no attorneys fees unless our lawyers obtain compensation for you.

Experienced Representation
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Main Office
900 Ridge Road, Suite J
Munster, IN 46321

Chicago Office
30 N LaSalle Suite 2950
Chicago, IL 60602