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Indiana/Illinois Truck Accidents

We Fight for Full Value in Truck Accident Cases

Truck accident injuries are nearly always serious. The victims require substantial financial resources to get their lives back on track. At the offices of Robert Montgomery, Attorney at Law, our lawyers and staff do everything we can to get you the justice you deserve.

219-923-7000 · 312-236-7700 · Contact a lawyer

Truck accidents are devastating. Most involve serious injuries. While most large trucking companies are well insured, it can be challenging to obtain the compensation necessary for injured victims and the families of wrongful death victims. That is why it is a good idea to have a personal injury lawyer who won't rest until you get the results you need.

  • Finding the cause: Every time you drive on an expressway, trucks cut off other drivers at high speeds. Truck drivers have deadline pressures, and they sometimes make decisions that put cars and other motor vehicles at risk. Our law firm has investigators who can reconstruct truck accidents and find out what happened.
  • Investigating rule violations: Interstate 18-wheeler tractor-trailers are governed by federal and state regulations. We know the rules and we know what questions to ask and what records to review.
  • Taking the case to trial: Our law firm has taken personal injury cases to trial more than 200 times. For that reason, insurance companies often prefer to settle for a fair amount rather than fight in court. If they do not want to settle, however, we will go to court.

For more information, see our Truck Accidents Information Center.

Start with an initial no-fee consultation.

Find out what a fair settlement is and understand your rights. The consultation with an experienced personal injury lawyer is free. There are no fees to pay unless we obtain compensation for you. Contact our law firm for your free consultation. From Lake County, Indiana, we serve clients in northwestern Indiana and in the Chicago area.

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Main Office
9105 Indianapolis Blvd Suite D.
Highland, IN 46322.

Chicago Office
30 N LaSalle Suite 2950
Chicago, IL 60602