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Wrongful Adoption

Adoptive Parents Have the Right to Know

How can there be such a thing as wrongful adoption? Adoption should be a time of great joy as a family expands to welcome a new member. But sometimes those responsible for (and being paid for) assuring a baby's health fail in those responsibilities. That is professional malpractice.

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Questioning your new baby's health records does not mean you love the baby less. It does mean that when you were assured the baby was healthy, you relied on that information to plan your family's life around the new member. At the law firm of Robert Montgomery, Attorney at Law, our lawyers help adoptive parents obtain the compensation they need to meet the needs of their child.

  • Failure to order records: When an adoption lawyer was paid a substantial sum to research all aspects of an adoption including the baby's health, that lawyer failed to order a copy of medical records that showed the baby had a brain lesion. The result was a wrongful adoption. The baby required several brain surgeries at great expense.
  • Parents' rights to know: Adoptive parents should be given all available information before they make the final decision to adopt. If an agency, doctor or lawyer knows that the baby has fetal alcohol syndrome or drug addiction or a birth injury, the prospective parents should be able to make a fully informed decision.
  • Obligation to obtain available records: A lawyer, doctor or adoption agency has an obligation to provide all information about the birth mother's and baby's health histories. An adoption is too important to leave complete, accurate medical reports out of the information provided. Failure to do so is wrongful adoption.

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If you feel you were the victim of wrongful adoption, contact us for a free consultation. We represent clients in Lake County, northwest Indiana and the Chicago area.

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9105 Indianapolis Blvd Suite D.
Highland, IN 46322.

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30 N LaSalle Suite 2950
Chicago, IL 60602