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Personal Injury Accident Pages

Will the Insurance Company Be Fair?

Many people injured in accidents have a basic question: Can I expect a fair and just settlement from the insurance company? At the Robert Montgomery, Attorney at Law, offices, we work hard to assure you are treated fairly.

219-923-7000 · 312-236-7700 · Contact a lawyer.

At our personal injury law firm, there is no retainer and no fee unless we collect compensation for you. If you have been injured, you deserve to have full value for the losses you have incurred. If a loved one has died in a fatal accident, you deserve wrongful death compensation.

Start with an initial no-fee consultation.

After you have been injured and sought medical treatment, the next step is to assure you receive the fair and just compensation you deserve. Begin with a free consultation with an experienced attorney at the offices of Robert Montgomery, Attorney at Law. Based in Lake County, Indiana, we represent injured clients in northwestern Indiana and in the Chicago area. Contact our law firm for your free consultation.

Experienced Representation
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Main Office
9105 Indianapolis Blvd Suite D.
Highland, IN 46322.

Chicago Office
30 N LaSalle Suite 2950
Chicago, IL 60602