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Indiana/Illinois Birth Injuries

What Caused Your Child's Birth Injury?

It is not easy to determine the cause of a birth injury. Many birth injuries are truly unfortunate accidents. Other birth injuries, however, are caused by the negligence and malpractice of doctors and hospitals. When that happens, the child and parents deserve answers and compensation.

219-923-7000 · 312-236-7700 · Contact a lawyer.

Getting answers from doctors and hospitals can be extremely difficult, especially if those answers are evidence of medical malpractice. At the law firm of Robert Montgomery, Attorney at Law, our medical malpractice attorneys have the experience and the resources to fight medical malpractice cases involving birth injuries.

  • C-section delay: A fetal monitor is there for a reason — to tell the obstetric staff that a fetus is in trouble. A delay in making a decision can cause that fetus to lose essential oxygen (and cause brain damage or cerebral palsy) or to sustain injuries because of a forceps delivery.
  • Epidural mistakes: When an epidural anesthetic is improperly administered or monitored, the mother and baby can sustain serious injuries.
  • Erb's palsy: A forced delivery can put strain on a baby's shoulder, resulting in shoulder dystocia or Erb's palsy.

Start with an initial no-fee consultation.

If you suspect that your child's birth injury was caused by medical malpractice, contact our law firm for a free consultation. Our attorneys have a network of medical experts who can review the medical records and give an opinion on the cause of a birth injury. Our law firm represents clients in from offices in Lake County, Indiana, and Chicago, Illinois.

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Main Office
9105 Indianapolis Blvd Suite D.
Highland, IN 46322.

Chicago Office
30 N LaSalle Suite 2950
Chicago, IL 60602